Monday, March 31, 2008

Ah, lunch at my desk

To save money in the states I almost always brought lunch to work. And, for good or bad, I almost always ate lunch at my desk while I worked. So, in addition to saving money, I saved time and was able to leave the office earlier.

Fast forward to our lives in Germany. Tamara cooks a bit differently and the kids eat more (they are older) which means there are only occasionally leftovers I can take to work. Additionally, the choice and cost of "frozen meals", which I commonly took to work in America, here in Germany makes that option less viable.

Not to worry, there is a very good option in Germany to keep costs low - subsidized lunches. Companies subsidize the cost of lunch and so a warm lunch is generally available for around 4 €. At the cafeteria where I generally eat (client site) I can often eat for under 2 €, for noodles/rice/potatoes with a sauce and vegetables on the side.

Well, on Friday I was at my company's office and went to Subway for lunch. The restaurant was full, and I wanted to get home, so I took the sandwich back up to the office.

At the end of my sandwich I was done with one of the main tasks on my list for the day. And I got out on time with all major tasks completed. It was a nice feeling.

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March 2007