Monday, April 2, 2007

Daumen Lutscher

Some of you are probably wondering about my title.....what exactly is a Daumen Lutscher? What does it mean? Well......let me show you. This is a Daumen Lutscher!

Yes, our Ian is a Daumen Lutscher. Daumen Lutscher means Thumb Sucker. It is funny, because everywhere I go, everyone says....ah, Daumen Lutscher. I sure have learned those two words these past few weeks. Seems that Ian always has that thumb in his mouth. And he is not partial to one thumb. He exchanges them constantly.

Poor Ian. Last night, we had friends over and they were leaving. So we all walked away to say good-bye at the door. Gardner walked a way from Emma and Ian for 10 seconds. Emma had picked up Ian and dropped him on a toy. If you look close enough, you can see a red line going from left to right across his whole head.

So, Hannah.....She is learning how to read. It is so fun to listen to her trying to sound out words. We read every night from the scriptures and she has picked up these words so far: the, and, of, god, it, that, I, a. I decided I am going to make flash cards to help her. She is so excited and wants to read everything she sees.

The kids are on a two week break from school. I told Hannah on Friday morning that it was her last day for a few weeks. Kindergarten still meets, but usually when the Elementary School is out, I keep Hannah home as well. Hannah was sad and said she wanted to be at school. I was so excited to hear this. So today, Hannah went to school. Gardner took the van to work today so I walked to pick up Hannah. We passed a bakery on the way home. Her prize for walking was a donut with chocolate frosting. The chocolate was melting, because it was warm in the shop. Here is Hannah walking down the street:

Speaking of the Bakery, Here are two pictures of things found at the bakery. This first one is called an Apfelringe (Apple Ring). Oh man, it is soooo very Yummy! I have to stay away from this particular bakery because I will buy one if I stop in. It costs 1 Euro 30 Cents. YUM, YUM, YUM! The second picture is of a Brotchen. I was talking to my sister, Coleen, this past weekend and mentioned a Brotchen. She did not know what one was, so I figured, it could be a common question among those who have never been to Germany. Brotchens are very popular here. It is like a hard, Crunchy Roll on the outside. But the inside is soft. Tastes great with Butter and Cheese. An average cost for a Brotchen is 25 cents.

Oh, yes.....remember I showed you Friday, the potted plant that Hannah made at school. There was barely anything sprouting out of the soil. Well, here we are on Monday.....3 days later. Look at it now. They call this Easter Grass. Crazy how fast it grows.

And then, of course, I mentioned the funny sign about the Frogs. This is a sign that means, Caution! Frogs! Still waiting to see those frogs on the road. I'll let you know when I find one.

Gardner went to Ikea today and "scored a sweet deal" in the scratch n dent area. We got a bed for when we have guests come to visit. So now you all know, we are ready for anyone who wants to stop by. Hotel Wheeler is now up and running, thanks to the Generousity of Gardner's parents!


Coleen said...

OOooooo so you have a bed for me?!? Wow!! I'm all kinds of excited (even if it IS still 8 months away).

Tamara Wheeler said...

A King Size Bed at that. Plus we also have a twin. Take your pick!

Coleen said...

Gee, I'll have to think about that one for a minute ;-)

March 2007