Happy Birthday Hannah! Seven years ago today, Hannah joined our family.
To Celebrate, she will be having her first Slumber Birthday Party on Friday. But we couldn't let today go by without a few surprises and fun things.
She woke up today and got ready for school just like any other day.

One Present she got was a new backpack for school. Here in Germany, these backpacks are very expensive. Usually start around 100 Euros for the good ones. The kids get one backpack when they start school in the first grade and then don't get a new one at all. It lasts them 4 years. Well, when school started, we couldn't afford the great ones but found a cheaper one and knew we would have to buy a new one next year. Hannah kept asking for a nicer one for her birthday and I just didn't think it would happen. Well Sunday, the ads came for the store and there it was.....a backpack for 80 Euros. It is normally 130 Euros. Somehow, this fit more into our budget, even though it was still more expensive. She now is the proud owner of a purple Clickit Hearts and Friends Backpack. It also came with a gym back, wallet, and two pencil holders. She loves it so much and was very excited to take it to school.
For her birthday, she gets to take a treat to school to share with her class. She knew right away she wanted Brownies. So with Grandma here, Grandma made two batches of brownies. I drove her to school this morning to help her carry the precious American Goodies into her classroom. She had to have 30 pieces because there are 27 kids and of course, a few for some of the teachers in the school.
After she came home from school, she got to open a few presents. I wanted her to have a few surprises since she already knew about the backpack. She got a polly pocket and a Tamagotchi from the family. A tamagotchi is a little electronic baby that you have to feed, change diapers, entertain, ect. It was the biggest hit.
She also got a Happy Birthday Pillow from Grandma.
With Grandma still in town, I was able to leave all the other kids at home and I took Hannah out to lunch. The possibilites were endless. And she chose Subway. This was a fancy subway. Look at the table and chairs we were sitting in. Loved it. It was so comfy. After eating, she got some Ben & Jerry's icecream they sell there. Talk about being spoiled.

She finished off her day going to Gymnastics and then having picked her favorite dinner for me to make. It was Scrambled Eggs, Hashbrowns, Bacon and English Muffins. I believe this is the same dinner she had me make last year.
It was hard to get her to go to bed tonight. She wanted to stay up and play with her new baby. Which by the way, ended up being a girl and she named her Lara.
It was a fun day with Hannah and I just want Hannah to know I love her and am happy she is in our family!