Thursday, June 24, 2010

Allergic Reaction

I once again took Emma to the doctors today. This time, it was due to an allergic reaction she is having to misquito bites. She has 4 different bites, all the sizes of ping pong balls to a base ball. The baseball size one freaked me out a bit and that is what made me decide to take her in.

While we were walking from where I parked my car to the doctors office, I noticed her ankle was swollen. So upon getting in a room and waiting for the doctor, I started looking at it and decided she had yet another one on her, and it was big too. The one on her ankle is infected. The doctor ended up drawing around it so that in the morning, I will know if it has grown or not. She also wrapped it to help stop Emma from scratching it. Thing is, I don't think it was from Emma scratching it. I think it was from her shoes. She wore flip flops that had straps yesterday and sandals today. Both of which lies right were it is "scratched". Anyway, if it has grown, she has to go back in and they will start taking action to kill the infection. For now, they gave her some syrup that I want to think is like benadryl for allergies.

I swear, the doctors office is my 2nd home right now. The pharmacy just laughs now when I walk in with a prescription letter.


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Anonymous said...

Hey, dear,

tks for listening to me today. I know it's not easy, but I feel kinda lost without u. Actually, I feel better just by listening to your voice.

I wouldn't like you got worried about me. My problems can be solved (I even had some ideas after we talked) and, right now, u've got your share of problems too. So, try to focus on them. Also, it's really important you show your parents we can be together while you get ready for your tests.

About college, I think you are right about waiting. I would do the same if I were u. But, Don't forget that, whatever your decision is, I will stand by u.

Miss u a lot
Luv u

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